Other words from Virgina Woolf

"Whatever happens, stay alive. Don't die before you're dead. Don't get lost, don't lose hope, don't lose your direction. Stay alive, fully, with every cell of your body, every fiber of your skin. Stay alive: learn, study, think, read, build, invent, create, speak, write, dream, design. Stay alive, alive inside you, alive outside too. Soak up the colors of the world, fill yourself with peace, drink in hope. Stay alive with joy. There is only one thing you must never waste in this existence: that is life itself."

"Quoi qu'il arrive, reste en vie. Ne meurs pas avant d'être mort. Ne te perds pas, ne perds pas espoir, ne perds pas ta direction.Reste en vie, pleinement, avec chaque cellule de ton corps, chaque fibre de ta peau.Reste en vie : apprends, étudie, réfléchis, lis, construis, invente, crée, parle, écris, rêve, conçois.Reste en vie, vivante à l'intérieur de toi, vivante aussi à l'extérieur. Imprègne-toi des couleurs du monde, emplis-toi de paix, abreuve-toi d'espoir.Reste en vie avec joie.Il n'y a qu'une seule chose que tu ne dois jamais gaspiller dans cette existence : c'est la vie elle-même."

Song by Benjamin Clementine

I won't complain

"...It's a wonderful life, it's a wonderful life Traversed in tears from the heavens My heart is a melodrama, a melodrama in fact Set alight by echoes of pain 24-7, 24-7 I dream, I smile, I walk, I cry..."

Angels - Robbie Williams

I sit and wait
Does an angel contemplate my fate?
And do they know the places where we go
When we're grey and old?
'Cause I have been told
That salvation lets their wings unfoldSo when I'm lying in my bed
Thoughts running through my head
And I feel that love is dead
I'm loving angels insteadAnd through it all she offers me protection
A lot of love and affection, whether I'm right or wrong
And down the waterfall, wherever it may take me
I know that life won't break me
When I come to call, she won't forsake me
I'm loving angels insteadWhen I'm feeling weak
And my pain walks down a one way street
I look above
And I know I'll always be blessed with love

And as the feeling grows
She brings flesh to my bones
And when love is dead
I'm loving angels insteadAnd through it all she offers me protection
A lot of love and affection, whether I'm right or wrong
And down the waterfall, wherever it may take me
I know that life won't break me
When I come to call, she won't forsake me
I'm loving angels insteadAnd through it all she offers me protection
A lot of love and affection, whether I'm right or wrong
And down the waterfall, wherever it may take me
I know that life won't break me
When I come to call, she won't forsake me
I'm loving angels instead

Songwriters: Robert Peter Williams / Guy Antony Chambers


Empathy as a skill...

New Year


"...bow your head..

Wait for the ricochet..."


Look at Earth from outer space
Everyone must find a place
Give me time and give me space
Give me real, don't give me fakeGive me strength, reserve control
Give me heart and give me soul
Give me time, give us a kiss
And tell me your own politikAnd open up your eyes
Open up your eyes
Open up your eyes
Open up your eyesGive me one 'cause one is best
In confusion, confidence
Give me peace of mind and trust
But don't forget the rest of usGive me strength, reserve control
Give me heart and give me soul
Wounds that heal and cracks that fix
Tell me your own politikAnd open up your eyes
Open up your eyes
Open up your eyes
Open up your eyes
Just open up your eyesAnd give me love over
Love over
Love over this
Aah-aah-aah-aah-aahAnd give me love over
Love over
Love over this

Songwriters: Christopher Anthony John Martin / Guy Rupert Berryman /

William Champion / Jonathan Mark Buckland


The Storm

Painting by Pierre Auguste Cot

Snow Dance

Faites aller vos neurones...

After watching...

Joker : Folie à deux

Photo by Kevin Richardson

song: RED HANDS - Lauren Jacquish

"A light here required a shadow there."

- Virginia Woolf

deep purple rose

Nana à la maison

27 sept-2024


...vers une demie de 1000 ?
Dance with the devil dip in for angel waters See yourself without a single image

Looking for the


Happier times in Jasper (1954) with Marilyn Monroe

8 avril 2024

Éclipse solaire

Quand le soleil s'éclipse, on en voit la grandeur - Sénèque

Seeing the dancers I work with grow in their craft over time is also incredibly rewarding, as is when the dancers are able to land gigs thanks to exposure from being featured on DANCE AS ART. Or when the DANCE AS ART photographs in their portfolio help them with castings and employment. It’s also quite a thrill to be able to bring dance back to the streets and to people in general. I had no idea the project would be so well received and it is quite something!

Kevin Richardson

Photographer - DANCE AS ART

The Other(s)


Run Away to Mars

..." How long 'til I'm discovered

It's a quiet life up here

Before my time runs out

What If I run away to Mars?

Would you find me in the stars?

Would you miss me in the end If I run out of oxygen?

When I run away to Mars..."

Bunny in the grass photo by Rufford Dypexis

Liquere by Danny Eastwood

Always You

Click on Danny Eastwood's picture (left) to read about his exploration

of The Hypnotic Movement of Bodies in Water (Liquere) 


  • Me? I'm just looking for the right flux 
I'm late but I'm here right now...

Did I wait too long..?

...It's been a long winter of indifference
And maybe you love me, maybe you don't
Maybe you'll learn to, and maybe you won't
You've had enough, but I won't give up
On you...

Someone Please Leave the light on!

Besoin de Lumière ? Needing Light?

No one knows...

What I say unless you read between my lines... 

No one knows how you feel...

Anthony Bourdain by Bobby Fisher Lightning on CN Tower


The one to keep alive in your soul?
A new song by Billy Joel

Turn the Lights Back On

Offering Nana à la maison a deep , DEEP new breath...
"Please open the door...Nothing is different, we've been here before...

...And maybe you love me, maybe you don't
Maybe you'll learn to and maybe you won't
You've had enough, but I won't give up
On you..."

(lyrics excerpt)


La force et la douceur...Leather & Lace

Plus bas (cliquez sur le bouton), un mini survol, tour de piste,
de l'oeuvre de Christian Bobin 
Click to play

Charles BUKOWSKI  -  Pas de meneurs, s’il vous plaît, 1992

« Inventez-vous puis réinventez-vous, ne nagez pas dans le même bourbier inventez-vous puis réinventez-vous et libérez-vous des griffes de la médiocrité. Inventez-vous puis réinventez-vous,  changez de ton et de forme si souvent qu’on ne pourra jamais vous cataloguer. Ressourcez-vous et acceptez ce qui est mais uniquement selon les termes que vous avez inventés et réinventés apprenez par vous-même. Et réinventez votre vie parce qu’il le faut ; c’est votre vie et son histoire et le présent n’appartiennent qu’à vous.»

In case you feel disjoncted (as in not 'feeling' much FLUX)

Looking at a single BRAIN CELL making connection(s) might 'help'

"It requires not only clarity, but courage, first of all to see the extent to which we have invested our happiness in the content of experience and then to withdraw that projection. And the only thing that can give us this courage is our love of truth." - Rupert Spira

Le pouvoir de l'Amour

The Power of Love L'arbre de Noé
Noël d'un autre temps

Bas de Noël

Martine, Louise et Pierre-André à 2 St-Thomas
No matter what

Do you think it matters?

How the power of ONE could truly matter
Over cast Photo by Bruno Dos Santos

To my special "Babe" friend

Your priceless kind of Light will be missed!
...but I will keep you in my heart.
  • #immortality 
SONG OF that DAY...while LOOKING FOR...you know what:

Believe in You

"...Somewhere there's a silent voice
Learning how to sing..." 

wrong address

                                         ONE more time...

29 septembre 2023

Lune aujourd'hui - SUPERMOON

Lune is a feminine word in French, so we must say “la” lune.


Livre de Steeven Chapados - Nouveauté ! chez FIDES Richement illustré de photographies, d’images d’archives et d’un dessin original de Steeven Chapados, c’est toute l’histoire de la Lune et son influence sur la vie humaine que l’on découvre au fil de ce documentaire. Un magnifique beau-livre pour les amoureux des astres, des sciences, des arts et de l’histoire.

Katia Andraos

Sous les pleines lunes,

il y a eu des "sorcières"...

Osez voir, regarder...démystifier.

De blanches sorcières.

Peter Gabriel - This is Home

Written and produced by Peter Gabriel, This Is Home is, he says, ‘a love song.’

(new release - Supermoon Sept 29, 2023)

This Is Home is the tenth track from the album i/o. The first version to be heard is the Dark-Side Mix, by Tchad Blake, released on the full moon 29 September 2023.

Still looking...

Looking for anything takes time and consideration...and then IF there is a sensation of The Right Flux...something huge happens!  Time disappears!

...for The Right Flux



En vous souhaitant ce coin de 'paradis'... !

Celui du temps qui ne s'arrête pas parce qu'il ne fait pas partie de ce qui VOUS arrête.  Bonne journée !

Les enfants d'abord - Children first

Garçon avec longue baguette

Vois sur ton chemin...

La beauté de simples gestes au quotidien

Deux enfant grimpent une clôture

France Gall le dit pour Ella Fitzgerald... Ella elle l'a !

Les enfant eux : ils l'ont !

Little girl in the rain having fun

La Joie est née en même temps qu'eux !

Child dancing imitating painting

So ?

Let THEM go!

Looking for a different kind of story or website?...Dare to discover  PARADARK:

"...Don't wanna feel another touch
Don't wanna start another fire
Don't wanna know another kiss
No other name fallin' off my lips
Don't wanna give my heart away
To another stranger
Or let another day begin
Won't even let the sunlight in
No, I'll never love again..."
Svetlana Zakharova as Giselle

Tommy Levan Photography

Just an amazing picture... When RED does more than passion!

"When I bow down to pray
I try to make the worst seem better
Lord, show me the way
To cut through all his worn out leather
I've got a hundred million reasons to walk away..." - Million Reasons

Lady Gaga

(Hillary Lindsey / Mark Ronson / Stefani Germanotta)

Still looking...

I've seen that movie too...

"...The one where the players are acting surprised
Saying love's just a four letter word
Between forcing smiles, with the knives in their eyes
Well their actions become so absurd." - Bernie Taupin/Elton John
July 16- 16 juillet 2023

Real #youtubestory

Still, as I look for the Right Flux...I finally seem to have made
my first real You Tube story...Isn't ironic?
Photo by Loren Forsythe




BUT always


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Mexican statue autre manège 1976 Olympic Stamps FamilleCharron
On the set of The Misfits

Being There

Behind the scenes...having a good laugh at work! 
DO TRY THIS at home!